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Kenz (Kenz Cardico)
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Electrocardiography is performed using a 12-lead cable that is attached to the patient's body. The recorded electrical activity of the heart, plotted on paper as a graph, is called an electrocardiogram. The results can then be analyzed by medical professionals such as cardiologists or internists.
You can buy Kenbz cales from Partsformed. Our website offers Kenz Cardico cables at great prices. In the catalog you will find more than 500 items of brands of medical equipment. All products are covered by the manufacturer's warranty.
If you can not find a suitable cable for electrocardiograph on our website, we will find and supply cables individually, thanks to a wide database of reliable suppliers.
You can buy Kenbz cales from Partsformed. Our website offers Kenz Cardico cables at great prices. In the catalog you will find more than 500 items of brands of medical equipment. All products are covered by the manufacturer's warranty.
If you can not find a suitable cable for electrocardiograph on our website, we will find and supply cables individually, thanks to a wide database of reliable suppliers.